Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The technology that I learned from was how to make a podcast. Also, I didn’t know about the blogging and that was and is really cool. I didn’t know how to make a website and I know a little bit more but not as much as I would like to. I learned mostly from other people’s presentations or when they sat beside me and worked on their projects.

3 Positive Outcomes

The first positive outcome from my presentation was that I learned not to leave it to the last minute. Preparing for the presentation is good but it’s even better when I can have a good presentation. So that was a positive outcome. My second positive outcome was when I learned more about animal testing and more about how it was a controversial issue. My third and final positive outcome was when I learned from other people who were doing the same topic as me. This was good because I learned from what they had discovered and I hadn’t.