Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The technology that I learned from was how to make a podcast. Also, I didn’t know about the blogging and that was and is really cool. I didn’t know how to make a website and I know a little bit more but not as much as I would like to. I learned mostly from other people’s presentations or when they sat beside me and worked on their projects.

3 Positive Outcomes

The first positive outcome from my presentation was that I learned not to leave it to the last minute. Preparing for the presentation is good but it’s even better when I can have a good presentation. So that was a positive outcome. My second positive outcome was when I learned more about animal testing and more about how it was a controversial issue. My third and final positive outcome was when I learned from other people who were doing the same topic as me. This was good because I learned from what they had discovered and I hadn’t.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Animal Abuse

This isn't really part of my project but while I was looking for info on animal testing I found this.

Animal abuse is brought to justice more often then animal testing. But animal testing is just as important. I haven’t yet found anything on animal testing but I did find stories about animal abuse. Here are some of them…

He was only a 5 month old puppy that had been taken from his backyard and to an abandoned home where he was horrifically beaten. The people who were cruel enough to do this used the handle from a sledge hammer, a rock, and a beer bottle to cause skull fractures, numerous cuts, a broken leg, and a terrible eye injury. The puppy was surrendered to Homeward Bound and named Justice. He received immediate medical treatment but sadly his eye was not saveable. He was adopted when he was once again a healthy, happy puppy.

A beautiful Beagle named Emma was brutally shot and was trying desperately to pull herself out of a ditch when a fisherman found her. She came home with him where she slept under his car for 3 days when he contacted the Tipton Treasures. They sent a volunteer and she was rushed to a veterinary hospital where her many injuries were treated. Because of the gun shots, both of her hind legs were paralyzed and she didn’t have any bladder or bowel control. They fitted a small cart to help her walk and special diapers for her incontinence. She was adopted by her new owner and is being loved for the rest of her life.

These are what I came across when looking for animal testing info.

The Balance of Skin

At first I was just studying about my subject, which is animal testing, but now I have new information. It is about the integumentary system which is the skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ and the top layer of skin is called the epidermis which is made up of epithelial cells. The epidermis does not contain blood vessels and its main jobs are protection, absorption of nutrients, and homeostasis. Homeostasis is the balance of things. For an example, the heart speeds up when we start doing more of a physical activity and when we stop doing that activity the heart slows down because we don’t need as much oxygen or blood pumped around our body. With skin it’s the same idea only a different way. Our skin sweats when we do physical activity and gets goose bumps if we get cold. It tries to keep things in balance throughout our daily lives. This is what I’ve learned so far about the skin.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Animal Experimentation May 21st 2009

Because of the precarious line that scientists are working beside, it is a huge debate as to whether animals should be used in experiments or not. So many animals die each year because of what we do to them. In 1995, around 1,395, 463 animals were killed. Animals are used for numerous things, such as developing the artificial hip. This was developed in dogs and later led to the array of artificial joints. This is why people say, yes, animals should be tested because of how much we have accomplished in doing this. Another example is the primate (ape or monkey). These animals are often used in testing because of how closely they resemble human beings. Some people actually think that we evolved from primates. Personally, I think that scientists are using that as another excuse to test on primates. This is most of what I learned today.